Tuesday, March 23, 2010

So much going on!

It's been so long since I last blogged on here and there is so much in my mind that I want to write about!
It's kind of nice being back in Pullman. Just about every other time that I have come back here after a trip home I have been unhappy. After Christmas break I was positively depressed when I had to come back! But this time around I am a little delighted to be back. I don't know if it has to do with the weather here (it's absolutely gorgeous and sunny!) or because I know that in a few weeks I will be going home for the summer. Either way, I think I like things like this better. So I will have to keep that in mind the next time I tend towards being grumpy.
My poor momma is not doing too well. A couple of weeks ago she got this rash on her neck. Everyone she went to kept dismissing it and just giving her creams. Then she went to her doctor and he thought it might be a spider bite and gave her two shots and three different pills to take. That seemed to help a little but then my mom started to get a fever. She would get a fever in the middle of the night but then be okay again from like 5-9 in the evening. The second day of the fever, I took my mom to the ER at Providence. Because of her weakened immune system from the cancer treatments, her doctor had told her to go to Emergency if she ever had a fever. The doctor at the ER kept her there for several hours for different tests. He dismissed any connection between the fever and the rash. After several hours, they sent my mom home with the conclusion that she might have a kidney stone. They still had no idea what was causing the fever. So my mom came home with a few more pills and no real explanation. Two days ago the rash returned and began to spread. Then yesterday the rash covered my mom's neck, chest, and arms. She went to her doctor who sent her to the ER again but this time called a specialist to see her. The specialist discovered that my mom has a MRSA staff infection. I don't know too much about it but I guess 1 in 3 people have the dormant trait for MRSA that does not express itself until in comes in contact with the active bacteria that cause MRSA. A hospital infection MRSA is what usually causes the expression and people with weakened immune systems are especially susceptible to it. So my momma has to go to the ER twice a day to get medicine for this infection IVed to her. I know that she just feels so exhausted from being so sick. Please pray for her.
On a lighter note, I have started another blog. This blog is for my photography and it is www.lifemarkphotography.blogspot.com.